David F. Reische, LCDR, USN Officer in Charge, Submarine Development Squadron Five, Detachment Undersea Research & Development

For outstanding performance of his duties while serving as a member of Mission Navigation Division in Submarine Development Squadron 5, Detachment Undersea Research & Development from November to December 2006. Petty Officer Osterday consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. As the MN01 Training Petty Officer, he unselfishly devoted countless hours providing invaluable training opportunities, as well as, creative and technically savvy theory to practice concepts. He ensured over 50 hours of divisional training was properly conducted, coordinated three training examinations, prepared four detailed training assessments, and capitalized on every opportunity to conduct various training evolutions. Additionally, he developed aggressive training plans through July 2007 focused on improving Mission Navigation’s operational, tactical, and technical skills. His uncompromising performance resulted in an increased level of knowledge in Mission Navigation division has set the standard for the detachment. Petty Officer Osterday’s outstanding professional performance and total dedication to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

December 31, 2006