Mark D. Behning, CDR, USN Commanding Officer, USS Henry M. Jackson SSBN-730(G)

For professional achievement while serving as a member of Navigation Division in USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN 730)(GOLD) from August 2008 to November 2010. Petty Officer Osterday consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. He was a key element in Jackson successfully completing four strategic deterrent patrols including two Tactical Readiness Evaluations and two Operational Reactor Safeguards Examinations. As a Strategic Navigation Supervisor, he helped plan and execute two flawless full calibrations of the ship’s inertial navigation system. Due to his outstanding technical knowledge and subsystem expertise, he was selected as a key member in the planning and execution of three ESGN gyro replacements totaling more than two hundred man hours of maintenance and testing. His dedication to completing the job successfully ensured Jackson met all strategic weapons system mission requirements and accuracy goals. As Command NCPACE Coordinator, he devised a comprehensive plan to assist the crew in fulfilling personal and career oriented goals. Petty Officer Osterday’s managerial ability, personal initiative, and unswerving devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

October 28, 2010